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Member since December 17, 2012
Last seen March 16, 2024
Edits so far 4797
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Thanks for reporting, I've fixed Jardín Chulavista :)

If you've just added the artist to musicbrainz, wait 24 hours, then try importing again.

The other The Faceless is a valid separate artist:

I'll move those setlists to the correct artist for now though.

To be fair, both tour names are correct. They have "officially" names the tour Latin America Tour 2016, but are touring in support of the album I Worship Chaos.
Here's what the guidelines say:

Both sides of the argument are valid, but to be honest I would rather call these shows I Worship Chaos for now. The album only came out seven months ago, and they haven't toured South America since 2011. That tour had the much more official name "The Ugly World Tour 2011", rather than just fitting the "geographic area and year" tour name example.

Hope that makes sense, and that it helps!

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