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Just a music fan, maybe a little too obsessed about certain minutiae like setlists etc.


Member since September 13, 2020
Last seen April 18, 2024
Edits so far 756
Edits last month 0


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For the Sylvia Juncosa setlist, I am thinking they are working titles. I got this the week the show happened.

Hello! About the Sylvia Juncosa tapes...the 1988 show is from a friend of Sylvia and mines. Those were the titles he had listed on there. I do have both on cassette tape still, but have not got them converted to digital files. When I can get that done, I would be more than happy to send copies to you to help with the song titles. Thanks!!

Thanks so much! I didnt even know this one existed. Almost all of their uk 89 tour was recorded by the looks of it. Amazing I really appreciate it.

Hi there. Do you know where I can get the recording of the sugarcubes in Leeds 1989 please? I'm a bit of a collector of their live stuff .cheers!

Yes, it is a very particular scenario. Sometimes happens that the webpage doesn't cover everything and some workarounds have to de done, that doesn't mean a solution is correct or not. For me, what you did is still great, the gig was announced as "Evelyn Evelyn", so it's easier to consider this as one block.

About the covers, the autocorrection tool did some time and then I also completed some other corrections. In this case, we are treating "Sxip Shirey", "Evelyn Evelyn", "Amanda Palmer" & "Jason Webley" as 4 completely different artists with its own recordings. Full understand about any of the 3 playing solo i doing their own songs and tag them as covers, but being strict any of these songs are "Evelyn Evelyn" originals. Just wanted to explain to you why we are doing in this way.

Anyway, feel free and welcome to contact me or any other moderator in case of doubts, comments, or suggestions.

Here are the guidelines that we follow for editing the setlists.

Hi Ishikawa,

First of all, thanks for adding all Evelyn Evelyn & Amanda Palmer's presentations.
I made some small corrections, but nothing big.

About this, I would to know your opinion about the setlist. From the sources you gave, they was announced as "Evelyn Evelyn" gigs, however, from videos it seemed 3 sets divided as

Sxip Shirey set with its own songs
Evelyn Evelyn set
Amanda Palmer & Jason Webley with Jason's songs and Amanda with her solo & Dresden Dolls songs.

Would you prefer to keep them as one setlist or to separate on 3 different or even 4?
It's is a very particular case, the first option gave an idea of how the concert developed. The second one it's better for every artist's stats.
What do you think?