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Member since October 27, 2015
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 410
Edits last month 0


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Care to add any songs to the Lionel Richie set? Every bit helps

Hello! I am currently working on a project of the U2 concerts from London back in 2018, where we collect videos from the audience and edit them together with audio from the concerts. This project is completely made by fans, so no one will earn any money from this and the project will be shared for free.
Here is an example of Dublin 2018:

Did you by any chance record any videos from these nights in London? (Or maybe know someone who did?)

Hello I am a major Steely Dan collector and was wondering if you have an audio or video recording of the Bethlehem 2019 show. I have hundreds of SD shows to trade

Hello! Trying to get some help correcting the order of the songs after "Maria Maria" on the Santana NOLA Jazzfest show. I had to leave early. ANY help would be appreciated!!


I'm looking for a scan of the concert ticket from Phil Collins in Philadelphia 1985.
Did you keep your ticket?

Thank you!