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Member since September 1, 2012
Last seen March 21, 2024
Edits so far 59
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Hi StephenJRose
Apologies if this all sounds rather convoluted, but I’ve got in touch as I see that you went to the re-scheduled Pink Floyd Earls Court show on 17th October 1994 but haven’t indicated you were at the 'seating collapse' show on the 12th. This would imply that you bought a ticket for the 17th some time after the seating collapse date, rather than using a re-scheduled 12th ticket!
I’m hoping to find a fellow fan who has a ticket with 17th October printed on the ticket and would be happy to share a scan of it.
Hope this makes sense and really hoping you’ve hung on to your ticket for all this time...30 years. Possibly unlikely but I’m hoping you might have.
Hope to hear from you.
Kind regards

Stephen - I am going to the NY show at MSG, did Peter have a warm up band/act? Thanks
