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About tlitd31


Member since August 2, 2012
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 2824
Edits last month 76


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You're a Green Day fan. Do you have time to make the sourced edits to the 2010 & 2005 setlists noting "Billie Joe solo, acoustic; partial" on the below songs?
All Extraordinary Girl performances in 2010 were a partial acoustic performance only by Billie Joe. Some examples.

She's a Rebel only 2010 performance. Billie Joe solo acoustic


Please stop removing songs from setlists because you think they may not have been performed or an attendee added but it's not on the printed setlist.

Thanks for the heads-up on the fake Metallica show

Decided to lock it. He doesn't give up.

I didn't lock it but none of this clown's edits will last long if he persists. Another User corrected it but I thought the earlier one was better so I reverted it back as you suggested.

I have changed the setlist to what you and livemusicfan had. I am now following the setlist and have informed the below User of his error. If he persists please inform me. I am not locking the setlist so you can feel free to edit it if you choose. The other Users involved are all known to me and while you may disagree on some details it won't be a big deal.
Thanks for reporting

you sure there playing Spit out the Bone

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