TankerBen's setlist.fm

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Last.fm Tanker


Member since May 5, 2012
Last seen August 11, 2022
Edits so far 37
Edits last month 0


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Sorry, but I waited considerable time for your response. All the are permanently deleted.

Hi Tanker,

Thanks for your reply. As moderators, one of our tasks is to mantain clean these spaces as much as possible. For these reason only real performances by real artists allowed. There exists other practices that can discussed, however, not this one.

Regarding this specific issue, I wrote it in your profile more than a year ago. I made my own research trying to find any real proof of the existence of "Boom X Holigan" as a real artist, additionally hungarian title tracks for "Reset Robot", with no sucess in both cases. Also, I waited a prudential time for you reply and there was no answer. For this reason, I concluded that these setlists should not be part of setlist.fm. Anyway, if you have a proof of their real existence you'll be free the include them again.

Best regards,


Hi Tanker,

I saw that you're creating 'Boom X Hooligan' setlists in stadiums big scenarios. I realized that one of them is in a stadium in Caracas that is under maintenance since months ago.


Additionally, you added 'Reset Robot' (UK DJ) setlist with tracks with hungarian titles.

Do you have any proof of the existence of any of this set of setlists?
