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Member since September 22, 2020
Last seen March 19, 2024
Edits so far 5508
Edits last month 0


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Hello Bam:

Re October 20 Robyn Hitchcock livestream. What are your thoughts on whether the improvised mini-song he did merits a mention in the setlist?

Good seeing you at BettySoo's show tonight! Hopefully we can be at some more shows in the new year!

BAM..thank you for doing all this. Dizzy Dean

Hey BAM are you going to document the 12/13 Blonde On the Tracks YouTube stream?

Rhett's a cool guy, nice work documenting!

At Rhett's Interconnected show last week, was there a particular theme or aspects of each song that led to the next?

Hey Brian! Good to see you at the BettySoo Zoom show tonight. (I'm Thomas M.)

Thanks so much for doing these setlists!

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