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Member since June 28, 2019
Last seen January 14, 2020
Edits so far 46
Edits last month 0


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Ok, I went back through those dates and deleted the shows where some said either they don't remember it happening or that it flat out didn't happen. Then once that was done the shows listed between those dates didn't really make much sense so I deleted them too. The only one's I haven't deleted other than the 2 you have confirmed are another 2 dates that were not added by me, but by different users that claim to have attended.

Now, I would like to get one thing straight. You asked why I added those dates? Well, for 4 of the dates (Aug 4 & 5, Sept 1 & 4) I had listed a source in the comment section:

...Isn't that *your* site? YOU were my source for those shows. I deleted them since they no longer have a valid source. The other 2 dates mentioned above (Aug 12 & 14) already existed in the database since 2013. All other Lollapalooza dates came from the yellow tour poster with their name mixed in but no specific dates listed. Considering the poster, the shows already listed here and your own website I assumed they played the whole tour. I didn't use wikipedia.

Ok. I'll make it easier for you. Get one person to confirm and I'll delete it. Post a newspaper that lists the bands for the side stage (with no STP), like the one you posted today, and I'll delete it.

You don't need to convince me. Convince the people who said they attended. If those people uncheck "I was there" the show will be deleted. I'm not going to put any more effort into the subject because I don't care about the band. I saw then once in the 90s. Didn't care for them. Good luck to you. Let me know when the number of attendees has dropped to zero.

Well, I wont claim to be an expert on the subject because I wasn't at any of these concerts... but then again, neither were you. So if that's the case how can we clear this up? Maybe by asking the people who claim that they *attended* those shows? I mean, if I had a STP blog that's what I would do. Yes, people make mistakes, but they are still the best source of information we have. You are not going to find reviews in the newspaper for an unknown band. It makes sense that there's no pictures or comments for a band who's first album hadn't come out yet.

July 18 - 8 people attended
July 19 - 9 people attended
July 21 - 3 people attended
July 22 - 11 people attended
July 25 - 5 people attended
July 27 - 6 people attended
July 28 - 4 people attended
July 29 - 6 people attended
July 31 - 3 people attended
Aug 1 - 4 people attended
Aug 2 - 13 people attended
Aug 4 - 4 people attended
Aug 5 - 11 people attended
Aug 7 - 1 people attended
Aug 8 - 14 people attended
Aug 9 - 4 people attended
Aug 12 - 12 people attended
Aug 14 - 11 people attended
Aug 15 - 2 people attended
Aug 16 - 11 people attended
Aug 18 - 9 people attended
Aug 20 - 8 people attended
Aug 22 - 5 people attended
Aug 23 - 6 people attended
Aug 24 - 2 people attended
Aug 25 - 5 people attended
Aug 28 - 7 people attended
Aug 29 - 6 people attended
Sept 1 - 4 people attended
Sept 4 - 8 people attended
Sept 5 - 11 people attended
Sept 6 - 10 people attended
Sept 8 - 4 people attended
Sept 11 - 7 people attended
Sept 12 - 4 people attended
Sept 13 - 5 people attended

That's a total of 243 users claiming to have seen the band on this tour. Are ALL of those people wrong? Every single show we have listed from Lollapalooza 1992 has at least one person who claims to have attended. If these shows didn't happen I will gladly delete them, but I'm not going to delete setlists that have 243 people saying that they attended.