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Member since July 7, 2015
Last seen April 21, 2024
Edits so far 391
Edits last month 14


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Hey, I see you are attending the VNV Nation show on the 21st. After the show, can u add the setlist? I do not know if it will be added by someone else beforehand.

Hey! Thank you for your comment on the Vanguard setlist Hamburg: I am sorry: You are right! I just was too dumb to read the picture of the setlist correctly :D There just were two handwritten arrows tjat moved "A different story" from pos. 2 right to the position after Ragnarök... and I missi derstood that and thought the two songs were interchanged :D.
I have corrected the setlist accordingly. Thank you!

I wish would offer to add pictures to the setlist... ;)

Du weißt doch Bremen - Bremen ist ein Dorf mit Straßenbahn… und wahrscheinlich ist man sich schon das ein oder andere Mal am MerchStand oder am Biertresen begegnet…

I am interested in Rammstein's live concert history and I saw that you've seen them in Emden in 1997,
If you have any information about their setlist (including how long the concert lasted), interesting stories to share, photos or even audio/video recordings of the concert, I would greatly appreciate if you could contact me!
Have a good day!

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