
deathfox20's user profile image



Member since July 18, 2018
Last seen December 25, 2020
Edits so far 1754
Edits last month 0


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Posting a link on one setlist doesn't validate other unsourced edits. We cant spend our time checking all your edits especially over the Holidays. Your 'what about' and 'but' rationalizations for your unsourced edits are something we see all the time. It's up to you if you want to be part of the community or not.

Three strikes and you're out. You continue to not provide sources for your edits so until you do and let me know you understand how this website works your editing privileges are being revoked.

Please stop adding assumed setlists just because that is what they played the day before unless you were actually there. And let me know that you saw this note and understand or your setlists will be reverted.

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