diegocsgarcia's setlist.fm

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Member since July 23, 2011
Last seen January 4, 2024
Edits so far 113
Edits last month 0


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Hello. Are you sure about this date, I went on April 14 and 15 on the same year and it was rare that an artist return with such a sort time. I just want to be sure, so I can be mad at myself for not going. Thank you.

Hello Diego,

Thank you for your reply.
It's very nice to share your memories with me.

I logged in on dropbox. I need your permission to access your file.

I asked permission with the following email address

Thank you


I'm looking for a scan of the concert ticket from Steve Hackett in Rio De Janeiro 2015.
Did you keep your ticket?

Thank you!

User charts

diegocsgarcia saw 249 different artists.