edski's setlist.fm

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Member since December 15, 2016
Last seen March 23, 2024
Edits so far 235
Edits last month 0


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Boa tarde edski's...
O André Christovam me passou uma foto do "all access" dele de Porto Alegre (ele tocou com o Hubert Sumlin no dia 24/4/2002) e tanto a Big Time Sarah quanto o Coco Montoya tocaram na data de 25/4 no Bar Opinião e não em Curitiba!
Por favor, verifique a data correta do show deles em Curitiba e corrija por favor! Obrigado!

Hi Eduardo,

Thanks for youe reply.
Too bad, there's no real ticket.
But I appreciate that you took time for me.


I'm looking for a scan of the concert ticket from Phil Collins in Dublin 2017.
I read that you went to see this concert.
Did you keep your ticket?
Thank you

User charts

edski saw 387 different artists.