jaysam71's setlist.fm

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Member since June 1, 2017
Last seen February 24, 2024
Edits so far 96
Edits last month 0


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I am currently working on a multicam video for fans of the U2 concert in Seattle 2017. Did you record any videos from that concert?

My bad there was a Rhythm Cafe in San Diego as well where the Neville's played 1/9/93


You changed the setlist I had for the Neville Brothers at Rhythm Cafe in Santa Ana from Jan 8, 1993 to Jan 9, 1993. The show I went to is from Jan 8, 1993 (I have the ticket stub). Chances are they may have done more than one night at the club. If you went 1/9/93 you may want to create your own submission for this.