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Member since November 21, 2011
Last seen November 12, 2023
Edits so far 73
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What I think about this show is that the other User saw the Great White show there the previous October and got the date wrong. I have a hard time believing they played the same venue three months apart especially with your information about the February show. My only question know is whether to delete the February show or merge it into the October show which would preserve the details. If you have an opinion on this please let me know

I'm reluctant to delete the Great White setlist you flagged. The User that created it claims to have attended the show and posted logical songs that could have been played. Both you and he are what I would consider reliable sources. I am going to leave it for now and see if I can find anything more about the show. If you have any more info or can remember anything about the show feel free to post on my page and we'll see if we can sort this out.