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Member since August 28, 2012
Last seen April 20, 2024
Edits so far 1922
Edits last month 0


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Weet je toevallig ook nog of het in de grote of kleine zaal was?

Top, bedankt voor het uitzoeken en aanvullen!

Hi, I noticed you attended this show:
But this show is not mentioned on in the archive of Paradiso, nor is it listed on podiuminfo:
Are you sure this concert was on this date? Thanks!

Zie dat je enkele concerten in Paradiso bijwoonde. Aangezien deze opgesplitst dienen te worden naar Paradiso Grote Zaal, Paradiso Kleine Zaal, Paradiso Kelder, Paradiso Elevator... zou je deze kunnen aanpassen indien je het je nog herinnert?

hi! i saw that you had attended the BSS show at the Paradiso in November of 2010

I was wondering if you also happened to catch Menomena's set that same day? If so, do you possibly remember any of the songs they might have played? i believe a heavy majority of the songs were off their albums Mines and Friend and Foe, just wondering if you happened to recall anything. thank you for reading and have a great day! :)

Please have a look at this setlist you updated:
What's your source for this setlist? According to the venue's site the show was cancelled:

Is it possible you remember the exact venue or location for Binnenstad, Rotterdam concerts you attended? Could you change these?

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