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About factotum14


Member since April 4, 2013
Last seen November 27, 2022
Edits so far 111
Edits last month 0


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Nice work on the Pixies from night. Am i nuts or did we get wave of mutilation twice in the set?

Hey there! I see that you were at this Red Hot Chili Peppers show in 1989! This setlist is empty, and I was wondering if you happened to remember any of the songs that the band played at this show? If so, please get back to me so I can fill the setlist out. Thank you! :)

Hi there, I'm collecting live audio recording by The Police and am looking for their Red Rocks 2008 recording. Did you or friends of yours record this show ? If you did or can help me, please email me at :
It would be much appreciated. Stuff to trade. Thanks a lot. Cheers. Dr

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sixteenshells saw 220 different artists.