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Member since May 15, 2011
Last seen April 19, 2024
Edits so far 1533
Edits last month 7


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I was actually front and center for that show and the couple next to me got the setlist (NC Beach House show) but I do not remember the alternates like i saw in the other shows. I think (think) one of them was Black Car and the alt was Woo

I just noticed, we have both have 311 in our top ten as well—lol. Yea, I was privileged enough to see two shows on this tour so far. I wanted tickets to go to Philly, but the good seats sold out too fast and I get to see their final NA show in DC! Also, 311 play the following night, which I am actually going to also. I haven't seen them since I think transistor or it might of been the album after? BH for life.

Sweet post of “Woo” by Beach House, cheers

Hello, I see you were at one of the System Of A Down concerts - did you have any material from there? For example, Audio, Video, Photo, Tickets.
If so, drop me a line at or here


Thanks for the edit tgeary, some ding dong told me it was Ryan sitting in, I was at the back, and couldn't make out who it was. My bad.

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