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About vankees8

I am a concert whore!


Member since August 13, 2012
Last seen April 8, 2024
Edits so far 475
Edits last month 3


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Vankees, as you went to the Steely Dan show, please review/revise the set list. My wife and I did it from memory and we are 100% certain that the sequence after the Aja album is not correct.

Hello Vankees. I see that you added Squeeze concert for 27 October 2021 (yesterday) at Philadelphia's The Met. I was at the Met last night to see Steely Dan. You may have the wrong venue for that Squeeze concert.

Curious whether members of Madonna's band played an instrumental opening set?

Wow, you're good. How did you get the set list up so fast? Pretty amazing show last night.

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