MichaelSvoboda's setlist.fm

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Member since December 4, 2020
Last seen December 25, 2020
Edits so far 0
Edits last month 0


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hi, sorry i know nothing about this band is it from Dallas area, is it one of these bands already setup in the db https://musicbrainz.org/search?query=trax&type=artist&method=indexed
if not u or i can add info, i did not add a setlist for trax not sure which band it might be

hi, i reread the Buddy issue looking for ref, what i found was an ad promoting Canned Heat and special guest Trax at Electric Ballroom August 9 at 8pm, no band write up, b4 show so no review, i scanned physical copies of Buddy at Dallas Central Library into PDF format, so no online links