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About charlton3


Member since March 18, 2016
Last seen April 26, 2024
Edits so far 313
Edits last month 4


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Hi there,

I was hoping to ask you a couple of questions about the August 10, 1976 KISS concert you attended in Shreveport.

I'm trying to figure out some details of the band's setlist that night.

1. Do you recall if they performed the song "Hotter Than Hell" at the concert? This song had not been performed on the tour at all, and if they played it in Shreveport, this would be its first known appearance on the tour.
2. Did you or anyone you know take photos or record audio/video of the show?



zz hi, trying to define exact locations for Dallas Alley / West End shows
was this show at outside courtyard btw Dallas Alley bldg and West End Marketplace bldg or at a club inside Dallas Alley bldg or on surrounded streets in West End Historic District as during Taste of Dallas or specialty shows, thanks

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