
mariahslamb327's user profile image



Member since November 23, 2019
Last seen April 26, 2024
Edits so far 867
Edits last month 28


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Please stop adding @Tape for things that were actually performed. If there was an instrumental interlude or a performance by another artist that wasn't the main artist, it still counts as part of the setlist and should not be labelled as tape. @Tape should only be used for prerecorded audio and video, not for anything performed live.

Guidelines for your recent CĂ©line Dion edits
A medley is a mix of partially performed songs connected together with no breaks in between. Please note that:

If the songs were played in full with no break in between then they should not be listed as a medley. They should each receive their own line.
If one of the songs was performed in full then it does not fit the definition of a medley. A song info should be added for additional snippets. E.g. add with 'Black Dog' intro as song info for Whole Lotta Love
Adding a with artist, additional info or a cover results in affecting all songs of the medley, not just one song.
Do not write Medley: at the beginning
cover must not be added unless all songs in the medley were by the same artist
There should be no spaces if the slash is part of a song title that is not a medley. E.g. the Velvet Underground song White Light/White Heat.

So if one song is performed in its entirety the songs shouldn't be listed as medley, but with an info tag.

Ok, I removed the revert that I had on you. Please be mindful of any feedback that the moderators give you. Thanks!

Also, please don't create duplicate accounts. I will not revert MimiLamb's edits anymore if you stop labeling @Tape performances by backup artists. I will revert all edits from this account because you created a duplicate account.

User charts

mariahslamb327 saw 2 different artists.